Heal the Relationship with Yourself

In 3-6 months, I help women build a healthy relationship with themselves so they can heal from deep core wounds, and live joyful, confident, empowered lives.

Why work with me?

Alena holds 10 years experience as a mental health therapist, a lifetime of living through and healing from personal trauma, and a spiritual connection to meditation and yoga practices. She has a unique ability to see in others what they cannot yet see in themselves, and brings honesty and authenticity into every session.

Why work with me?

I bring a vast skill set to my coaching program by combining 10 years experience as a mental health therapist, mindfulness and spiritual practices through yoga and meditation, and a lifetime of living through and healing from personal trauma. I believe every woman’s healing journey should be tailored to meet their specific needs, and assure every woman I work with has an experience that is unique to them.

About me

Working as a trauma therapist came naturally to me. Yes, I’ve had extensive schooling, training, supervision and plenty of time to develop my craft, but working with trauma always felt quite natural. For as long as I can remember, I have had an innate ability to sit with people through their pain. I received praise from all directions as a child and young adult for my patience and empathy in holding space for others. Sounds great, right? Well, it came with a price. In giving so much, I put my own needs last, learned to ignore my wants for the benefit of others, and learned to ignore my intuitive guidance.

Being the resilient problem solver that I am, I learned how to use my gifts for good. Following what felt natural, I went to school for Psychology, and began working in the field of mental health in 2008. Again, I was praised for my ability to work with ease with clients who were struggling the most. I could handle crises like a pro, supported other staff members through the process, and worked my way up the ladder in human services. I jumped at the opportunity to earn my Masters’ Degree, and eventually became a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, opening my own private practice.

In the background of all of this success, I was miserable. On the outside, I had so much – degrees, a successful private practice, praise, two beautiful children. On the inside, I was depressed, panicked, unsure, and had incredibly low self esteem. Over the years of giving and more giving, I had forgotten all about taking care of myself. I had forgotten how to bring joy into my life in a way that felt authentic. I was looking for happiness outside of myself, and always coming up short.

Searching for a solution, I found Yoga Teacher Training. This was the start of healing the relationship I have with myself. It was through yoga and meditation that I reconnected with myself in a way that felt so natural and authentic. My spark was ignited, and I knew I needed to make some big shifts. I began taking care of myself in a whole new way, healing from past traumas, learning how to care for my needs, not just the needs of others, gaining confidence, trusting myself, and listening to my intuition. I found that the more I reconnected with myself, the more I found true joy.

When the pandemic hit in 2020, my career took a sharp turn. I went from one day meeting with clients face to face from the comfort of my office, to the next day scrambling to do telehealth sessions from my home. I found myself supporting an overloaded caseload of clients, my family, and myself through the uncertainty of quarantine. With stress levels through the roof, I came to a breaking point. Having already been on the healing journey, I suddenly knew that part of my growth and transformation had to be breaking out of the role of therapist, and moving into a role that felt true and authentic to me. Not just doing what was expected of me and what I was told I should be doing, but moving into a career that I truly felt passionate about. I wanted to help people through the journey I had gone through. I wanted to show others what is possible. I wanted to guide others through a transformation that allows them to step into their future confidently and with grace.

Enter Life Coaching. As a therapist, I gained education, and knowledge of human behavior. Through my personal experience, I gained compassion, and the ability to sit with others in their shame, because I’ve sat with my own. As a yoga teacher, I’ve learned firsthand the homecoming that a true mind/body connection can give. Becoming a Life Coach allows me the freedom to combine it all together. I know how it feels to forget yourself, and I know the joy of coming back to yourself, to remember who you are, and heal so you can live your life feeling full, free, present, and truly alive. I teach you to trust yourself again, to listen to yourself again, to find joy, healing, and peace. It is my honor to teach you what I’ve already learned, and to guide you into your power and inner truth.

I work with women who are ready to:


Learn how to take care of themselves and their own needs in a healthy way

Improve relationships by breaking unhealthy patterns and learning healthy communication
Experience deep healing from traumatic experiences
Learn how to deeply feel and experience emotions in a way that feels safe
Live and thrive in recovery from addictive substances and behaviors
Understand behaviors and why they’re repeating patterns over and over again
Stop living at war with themselves and live a balanced, peaceful lifestyle
Gain clarity, and a better understanding of what it is they want, and how to achieve it

Coaching Program

Alena’s coaching program provides a transformation to bring you confidently into your future. She helps you get to the root of the issues that are keeping you stuck, shifting mindsets and belief systems that are causing you to repeat patterns, and teaches tools that last you a lifetime for long term changes and lasting success.

Reclaiming You

This program includes a combination of 1:1 coaching, group coaching, and online course content. Alena uses a well-rounded approach which gives you high level support, along with flexibility for your busy schedule. You truly receive a unique experience specific to your needs and goals.

Group Coaching

Deepen your growth, strengthen your knowledge, receive accountability and support from other women on a similar life path. Group Coaching is available to women who are currently working with Alena, and those who have completed her coaching program.

What my clients say…

I’ve had decades of therapy, but Life Coaching with Alena has moved me beyond awareness and into action! I can’t say enough great things about Alena’s insightful, compassionate, positive, and dynamic approach to helping me make real, positive, lasting change in my life! Alena’s keen analytical abilities, combined with her experience, insightful knowledge of human behavior, and the Life Coaching process creates the perfect combination to move people forward to truly being their authentic, best selves! I’ve made far more progress, deep progress, over these past 8 weeks working with Alena to a point that I never thought possible.


I was stuck where I was in my life, I felt I didn’t know which direction to go in so I took a leap of faith and decided to try life coaching. Alena has been amazing, this has been one of the greatest decisions of my life to follow this journey with her. The sessions, the homework, it all leads you to the paths to your deepest desires. Alena’s guidance has been life changing. Having completed my 8 weeks and now entering into another phase of the coaching, I am so excited to continue working with her towards my goals. I couldn’t imagine where I would be if I hadn’t taken this journey.


Alena is a true healer and guide for personal growth and awareness. She has a gift for tapping into what makes you tick and how to help you put your “life puzzle” together. She has helped me learn strategies for self love and awareness of my potential to be the most balanced individual I can be! I highly recommend Alena as a Life Coach for anyone at any point in their life.


Alena is an exceptional coach. Her ability and approach to helping me see my growing edges is filled with skill and compassion. She has helped me to see my reactions or conditioned tendencies have served me well, and at times are no longer serving me. She has helped me soften and take care with myself as I work towards my life coaching goals. She has helped me foster daily practices that have transformed my life and my relationships with those dearest to me. She’s accessible, personable, deeply caring, and all while holding a solid coaching structure grounded in deep experience and skill that has been immensely helpful. 


After struggling to connect with traditional therapy methods, I decided to try life coaching with Alena. Best decision ever! I reached out and started working with Alena during a very turbulent time in my life, and made more progress in 4 months than I did in years of traditional therapy. She digs to the root of the problem, helps you process, but unlike traditional therapy, she gives you the tools, action steps and guidance you need to make changes. On top of that, Alena truly cares and that is evident while working with her. I highly recommend Alena and look forward to working with her again in the future.


Hiring Alena was like having the best friend you could ever hope for. She has been an open, calm, consistent and wise presence in my life. Alena offers heartfelt advice during challenges, enthusiastic support when you go outside your comfort zone and creates a natural container for healing and growth. She was there for me on the sideline cheering me on, offering a warm embrace or a noticeable nudge, every step of the way in my continued journey towards self-discovery.


My coaching experience with Alena was nothing short of transformational. When I signed on, I was at a place where I was feeling stuck in multiple areas of my life. Her wisdom and guidance provided me with so much insight, clarity and motivation. Each session helped me identify & reevaluate the deeply seeded beliefs and habits that were no longer serving me and then identify action steps towards resolution. I entered the process feeling lost and stuck, and concluded feeling empowered and truly tuned in to myself and my intuition. This work is so deep and the shifts in my mindset and actions were (and are) palpable not just by me, but by the others in my life. For those of you out there struggling with your mind/thoughts, your body/behaviors, or your spirit/higher self, I highly recommend working with Alena. She radiates kindness and wisdom and is a true healer. Five Stars!


Book a Discovery Call

Learn about Life Coaching, and see if a coaching program is an ideal fit for you. This is an opportunity to have your Life Coaching questions answered and begin to feel the benefits of what Life Coaching can offer.

Contact Alena